Friday, October 19, 2007

My New Blog

Okay. So here is my new anonymous blog. I have the other one. But I thought I could get in on this "tell the world about your crazy family in an anonymous way and maybe you might get rich in the meantime" thing.

I'll let you know how it goes. :) In the meantime, all the cute family pictures will be posted on the private blog and I'll just be doing double duty and adding only the funny, non-identifying information on this blog. What do you think? Have I completely lost my mind yet? Yeah, I thought so too....


MonkeyGirl said...

Technically, you have three blogs.

That is the sign of an addiction.

Jessica L said...

Shh... Don't tell anyone. I think I can overcome it on my own. I don't need help. Can I do the 12 steps from home?

Likely said...

What are the other blog addresses? Are they a secret?