Thursday, January 24, 2008

Shopping Adventures

Going to the grocery store with three kids 5 and under: INSANE

NOT getting the car cart because they were bad last time: EVEN CRAZIER

Letting them take in their McDonald's Happy Meal toys to keep them occupied: DELUSIONAL

Buying cupcakes and telling them they could have them when we get home if they're good: INSPIRED

All the kids being too tired to remember that we had cupcakes and all ended up taking naps: HEAVENLY

Six cupcakes that are now hidden for mommy's secret enjoyment: PRICELESS!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Littlest Monkey (age 16.5 months) has decided that she wants the world to hear her. She also has found that if you go into a partially furnished room that has high ceilings, you might be able to hear something cool if you yell "Ahhhhhh!" Today in the entryway at school she looked up at the ceiling and I could literally hear the gears grinding in her head saying, "This might work out to my advantage... Let's give it a try." All of a sudden, "Ahhhh!!!!" Yes, the echo was very cool. The other parents looking at me thinking my children are nuts, not so much.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I've Given Up...

At least for today. I have a migraine and don't feel like keeping up with the resolutions... Although we did go for an hour and a half long walk this morning because we had some beautiful weather. The kids are starting to get used to being in a neighborhood that we can actually walk around in.

But the eating well thing is out the window since I don't feel like eating anything. I just had ramen noodles for lunch... That's healthy... And there will be no projects on my list for completion today because I think I will take a nap... Depending on whether or not I can finish this post...


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year's Resolutions?

Okay, so I haven't really written out a New Year's resolution since the 10th grade. I think back then it was something along the lines of "Don't put up with stupid friends that want to walk all over you. Put your foot down and get a spine." It still took a few years for that one to take hold, but oh well.....

This year I have decided that I'm going to have 2 resolutions. The first one is the same as about 98% of the female population of this country: lose weight. My goal is somewhere around my high school weight, but I will make due with my pre-baby weight. (That would be my FIRST baby.) I'm going to save the numbers for when I actually get there. I don't want to get anyone's hopes up. :) I also decided that the best way to accomplish this goal is to not eat so much. I don't listen to when I'm full. I completely ignore it until I clean my plate. (Bad habit from when I was younger...) Also, I'm not going to deprive myself of stuff I like. Like right now, we just had a birthday for Monkey #2 yesterday and I have Devil's Food Chocolate cake in the kitchen. I'm not going to NOT eat it. I will just eat a little. And then stop. Also, if I have the cake, I won't eat as much dinner or have an afternoon snack. These are all simple things, yet I have ignored them for the last 6 years or so.

Number 2 resolution is that I will, in the morning, come up with one thing that I want to accomplish for the day and it WILL be finished by the time I go to bed. I know that doesn't sound like that big a deal, but when you are a complete procrastinator like me and have three little kids that you use as an excuse for getting any and every thing done, it's a big deal.

I think that's it. I'll let you know how it goes. I figure if I write them down, them I'm accountable and someone may come back in a few months and say, "How's that New Year's resolution thing going?" I would hate to say, "Duh, I forgot about them..." :)