Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Horrible Pet Peeve of Toddlerhood

I think that I'm a weird mother, sure. I am very obsessed with my kids speech. It grates on my nerves when I try to talk to them and they don't use sentences or ask questions correctly. If I hear one kid say "WANT JUICE!", you will hear me say, "I'm sorry, it that a question? Try to ask again in the form of a question." I know, it seems a little much to ask from a child (ages 5, 4 & 1), but I don't think so. Now we're to the point where I just say, "Can I...." and they can go from there. Yes, even the 1 year old...

Here comes my other pet peeve that goes along with this.... Oobi. Sesame Street. Any other cartoon that my children watch that they have characters that are retarded and don't know how to speak. I'm not really smart at all, which most of you can probably tell. I don't know what the different parts of speech are called. I know what a verb and a noun are, thanks to the 30th Anniversary remake of Schoolhouse Rock, but I didn't pay close attention to the other parts of speech and I don't really break things down to figure it out. I just know what sounds right when it is spoken.

Oobi - Just an attrocity to the english language. I know that they are just hands pretending to be characters (which is a stupid theory in and of itself), but can't they form complete sentences at all? What do they think they are teaching children? Come on people.

Sesame Street - I know that people will just freak about this, but there are only a few characters that drive me up the wall. Obviously Cookie Monster is annoying and then the other one is that stupid Baby Bear character. The speech bothers me, but what's more annoying is the lisp or say things incorrectly. TH's into S's, things like that. I know that there are some people that have a lisp for actual physical reasons. Like their mouth or teeth aren't formed right so they have a lisp. Then there are the kids that don't get any speech therapy because of teachers in their schools that don't pay attention or are too busy or whatever (I'm not judging, I'm just stating an observation). Then the final one that I refuse to be is the one where the parents think that it's cute when the kids are little and they never work with the kid while they are young and they then grow up with the lisp or saying words incorrectly.

Okay. Venting over. I've probably offended half of my readers, but oh well. When people say to me, "Wow! How old is your daughter?", they are in shock when I tell them she's not even two yet and is speaking in complete sentences and asking questions like "What happens if I go down the hole?" and you can actually understand her. It's just because I'm anal and don't have any friends so I have to talk to my kids all day and they drive me crazy when they don't speak correctly or give me commands like "Mommy! Snack!" Oh no you did NOT just tell me what to do....